Although faced with the challenges of developing technology and industry, the production of some traditional handicrafts such as carpets, rugs, socks, sashes, wicker and cloth weaving, stonemasonry, needlework, shoemaking, copper embroidery, basket knitting and wood carving are still continued in Samsun region today.
Some of these handicrafts have been registered and have taken their places among Geographical Indications. In this context, Susuz cloth, Bafra basket, Vezirköprü samovar, Çarşamba cap and shoes and Ladik undervest are the leading products that the city visitors want to buy for personal use or as a souvenir.
Bafra Basket
Basket Knitting
Bafra Basket
Basket Knitting
Çarşamba Shoes
Vezirköprü Samovar
Susuz Cloth
Vezirköprü Samovar